
In this section one will define the Environment concept, how it can be configured, also describing the default configuration.

As mentioned before, the Environment contains all the configured properties and behaviour while rendering Jtwig Templates, it might include extensions as well. The simpliest way to instantiate an Environment object is with the following code.

EnvironmentConfiguration configuration = new DefaultEnvironmentConfiguration();
EnvironmentFactory environmentFactory = new EnvironmentFactory();
Environment environment = environmentFactory.create(configuration);

In order to create an Environment instance one need an EnvironmentConfiguration to be provided to the EnvironmentFactory.

EnvironmentConfigurationBuilder API

However, as shown in the previous example, the DefaultEnvironmentConfiguration creates an immutable EnvironmentConfiguration instance. To overcome that limitation and customize Jtwig configuration the EnvironmentConfigurationBuilder API was created. It comes with a set of methods to specify all possible Jtwig behaviour. As Jtwig is highly configurable, this API offers a tree of builders to organise and ease the specification of customised behaviour. Note that all the builders follow a common convention:

  • All the builder methods starting with with will set the underlying configuration field.
  • All methods starting with without will unset the underlying configuration field.
  • add methods will append elements to the current list or map of values. For example, Jtwig allows the user to specify multiple extensions, in this case, add can be used to add another extension on top already existing ones.
  • set methods will override the currently defined list or maps of values.
  • filter methods allows the user to specify a filtering predicate which will be used to filter the existing list or map of items, such methods are useful to modify pre-defined behaviour.
  • and methods enables developers to return the parent builder.

Extending the default configuration

An useful constructor of this builder is the prototype constructor which allows one to initialize the builder given an instance of an EnvironmentConfiguration. Specially useful when extending the default configuration (the most common scenario), instead of creating an entire new one.

new EnvironmentConfigurationBuilder(new DefaultEnvironmentConfiguration())

The example above will create an instance of EnvironmentConfiguration copying all the definitions from the default configuration. One can then use the builder to modify the default configuration. Another way to achieve the same is by using the static method configuration of EnvironmentConfigurationBuilder, which makes the previous code snippet equivalent to the following one.



The parser() method returns an instance of AndJtwigParserConfigurationBuilder, such class was built for the purpose of configuring the Jtwig parser. Let's see an example of it.

EnvironmentConfiguration configuration = EnvironmentConfigurationBuilder
                            .withStartCode("{ %").withEndCode("%}")

With this one can specify:

  • StartCode, EndCode, StartOutput, EndOutput, StartComment and EndComment allows one customize the syntactic symbols used by Jtwig code islands. By default, Jtwig sets "{ %", "%}", ", ", "{#" and "#}" respectively.
  • AddonParserProviders, BinaryOperators and UnaryOperators provides API to enhance the parser with extra addons, this will be detailed further on. All the mentioned methods are used to build lists of objects which means one can specify as many as we want. Jtwig by default doesn't include addons, however, in terms of BinaryOperators and UnaryOperators you can get the ones already specified as part of the Jtwig expression syntax definition.
  • TemplateCache setting gives the user the possibility to configure a cache for compiled Jtwig templates. Such mechanism speeds up the parsing operation. It uses Resource as key and returns, as mentioned, the Jtwig compiled templates. By caching it, operations like reading files and flatening the template structure can get a significant performance boost. Jtwig core comes with one implementation used by default: InMemoryConcurrentPersistentTemplateCache which was built with high performance standards.


The functions() method returns a configurable list builder of Jtwig functions. Such functions will be provided to the Jtwig function repository mechanism, a fundamental piece of the function resolution system.

EnvironmentConfiguration configuration = EnvironmentConfigurationBuilder

The list of functions available by default in Jtwig was already described in a previous chapter.


The resources() method returns an instance of AndResourceResolverConfigurationBuilder used to build the resource resolver.

EnvironmentConfiguration configuration = EnvironmentConfigurationBuilder

The first configuration refered in the previous example is the resourceLoaders list builder, where multiple TypedResourceLoader can be specified. A TypedResourceLoader is a pair of reference type and the associated ResourceLoader. If multiple resource loaders are specified for the same type, Jtwig combines them together. The absoluteResourceTypes is a list builder where reference types can be marked as absolute. It's also possible to specify relative resources resolvers using relativeResourceResolvers list builder.

The resource reference extractor, is unlikely to be customized, but it extracts a given string representation of a resource reference into a pair of (type, path). The default implementation is expecting references to be like type:path using : as separator. A default input charset can also be provided via withDefaultInputCharset, it will be used as the default input encoding for loaded templates.


The render() method returns an instance of AndRenderConfigurationBuilder which provides a set of useful builder methods to configure the rendering, let's check the following example.

EnvironmentConfiguration result = EnvironmentConfigurationBuilder
                        .nodeRenders().add(CustomNode.class, nodeRender).and()
                            .add(CustomExpression.class, expCalculator).and()
                            .add(CustomBinaryOperator.class, binOpCalc).and()
                            .add(CustomUnaryOperator.class, unaryOpCalc).and()
                            .add(CustomTestExpression.class, testCalc).and()

Here you can find the following properties:

  • StrictMode sets the way to resolve variables in Jtwig, if strict mode is active, undefined variables will throw an exception when evaluated. However, if strict mode is disabled, it will be evaluated to Undefined.UNDEFINED. Strict mode is disabled by default.
  • OutputChatset defines the default output charset for Jtwig, this is used at the Jtwig rendering stage. By default it uses Charset.defaultCharset(), check Java documentation for more information.
  • NodeRenders is a map of Content Node type to an implementation of the RenderNode interface. Such interface tell Jtwig how to render such type of element once they appear on the Jtwig rendering tree.
  • ExpressionCalculators holds the mapping from Expression to it's calculator, allowing Jtwig to evaluate the given expression value.
  • BinaryExpressionCalculators, UnaryExpressionCalculators and TestExpressionCalculators again, allows the user to specify implementations of calculators so that Jtwig can use to evaluate such expressions value.

The ``NodeRenders``, ``ExpressionCalculators``, ``BinaryExpressionCalculators``, ``UnaryExpressionCalculators`` and ``TestExpressionCalculators`` defined by default were already described in the Jtwig syntax definition.


The escape configuration allows one to configure Jtwig special characters escaping capability.

EnvironmentConfiguration configuration = EnvironmentConfigurationBuilder
                            .add("custom", customEscapeEngine)
  • Engines is a map of String to escape engine, which will be used to resolve escape mode identifiers to escape engines. By default, the following are provided. false or 'none', which will perform no escaping at all. 'js' or 'javascript', for Javascript special characters escaping strategy and, finally, 'html' to escape HTML special characters.
  • InitialEngine sets the initial escape mode, which by default is set to 'none', which means, strings wont be escaped when rendering the template.
  • DefaultEngine property sets the default escape mode, which by default is set to HTML, which means, when not specified by autoescape tag or escape function HTML escaping engine will be used.


This method allows one to setup multiple property resolvers. The default property resolution mechanism was already detailed when describing the selection operator behaviour.

EnvironmentConfiguration configuration = EnvironmentConfigurationBuilder


The enumerationStrategies() method allows to configure the list enumeration stretagies. This strategies are used when resolving lists by comprehension in Jtwig. By default, and as mentioned before, Jtwig comes with four different strategies:

  • CharDescendingOrderEnumerationListStrategy
  • CharAscendingOrderEnumerationListStrategy
  • IntegerAscendingOrderEnumerationListStrategy
  • IntegerDescendingOrderEnumerationListStrategy
EnvironmentConfiguration configuration = EnvironmentConfigurationBuilder


EnvironmentConfiguration configuration = EnvironmentConfigurationBuilder

The value() method returns an instance of AndValueConfigurationBuilder allowing to configure Jtwig value handling.

  • MathContext sets the java BigDecimal Math Context, note that Jtwig math operations are performed using Java's BigDecimal API, for that, whenever needed, the context specified in here will be used. By default Jtwig sets MathContext.DECIMAL32. For more information, check Java documentation.
  • RoundingMode is used by mathematical operations like divide and multiply as rounding might be applied. By default Jtwig specifies RoundingMode.HALF_UP, check Java documentation of RoundingMode for more information.
  • ValueComparator is used for all comparisons in Jtwig. By default, the value comparator tries to convert the operands to a number (then comparing using the BigDecimal equals method) or it converts the operands to a string (using the String equals method).
  • StringConverter allows to specify the logic to use when converting objects to a String value, note this is used to serialize any object in Jtwig, the default implementation is null safe (returning empty string if null) and only returns the result of the Java native Object toString method.
  • NumberConverters configuration field which is a list of converters from any possible object to Number. Jtwig environment will then chain this list of converters together in a composite converter. Such composite converter will call the specified converters where the first returning a value will be used. The default implementation can be defined by the following table:
Java Object Result
null 0
Undefined 0
Boolean 1 if true, 0 if false
String Will try to parse the string
  • CollectionConverters provides a similar api as NumberConverters, users can appen as many collection converters as they want, Jtwig will chain them applying the same logic used for composing multiple NumberConverters. The default configuration for this will cover the following scenarios:
Java Object Result
null null
Array keys as the index and values as the items in the array
Iterable keys as the index and values as the items in the iterable
Map all key and values in the map
  • CharConverters is another set of converters allowing Jtwig to convert a given generic Java object to a Character. The default behaviour you can expect will be the following:
Java Object Result
null null
Object Object.toString only char, if there is one
  • BooleanConverters similar to the previous converters mentioned here, the following behaviour can be expected as default:
Java Object Result
null false
Undefined false
String "true" and "false" get converted to true and false
Array false if empty, true otherwise
Iterable false if empty, true otherwise
Map false if empty, true otherwise
Number false if 0, true otherwise


In order to add extensions to the Jtwig core behaviour one can use the withExtension method. Note that by default Jtwig Core does have any extension, however as part of the Jtwig community there is a list of already created extensions.

EnvironmentConfiguration configuration = EnvironmentConfigurationBuilder


In a more advanced context, Jtwig allows developers to add custom configuration parameters. This can be used by extensions further on, during rendering time from the ``Environment::parameter(String)`` method.

EnvironmentConfiguration configuration = EnvironmentConfigurationBuilder
                        .add(parameter1, value1)
                        .add(parameter2, value2)