import construct

The import tag is the way to reuse defined macros, it affects the model, adding a variable containing all macros defined in a specific Jtwig template resource.

{% import resourcePath as macros %}

As shown in the previous example, all macro definitions inside resourcePath will be amalgamated in the macros variable, so called the alias.

How to use?

To call a macro, one just need to use the alias together with the desired macro name and its arguments.

{{ macros.macroName(argument1, argument2) }}

Let's then have a look to the example below.

File: forms.twig

{% macro text (name, defaultValue) %}
<input name="{{ name }}" type="text" value="{{ defaultValue }}" />
{% endmacro %}

File: template.twig

{% import 'forms.twig' as forms %}
{{ macros.text('username') }}

As one can see from the previous example, the template template.twig imports all macro definitions from forms.twig into the alias forms. It then renders the text macro providing only one argument 'username'.

Argument resolution

As mentioned before, macro arguments are all optional. In the previous example, the macro defined two arguments name and defaultValue, however the call only provided one argument. The way arguments are feeded into the macro is by the order specified. In the previous example, the provided argument 'username' will then be represented by the identifier name in macro specification.